Wookey Hole’s new moon
Wookey Hole unveils a giant moon replica inside the caves, with extensive press coverage and media engagement
See the resultsGreat event last night! Without a doubt the best press conference I've ever been to. Usually, most brands don't lean into the nerdy side of their outdoor gear, which is always a shame (and not very insightful). It was really interesting to find out about Helly's product development, testing and validation, as well as how this actually looks in the field. Cracking stuff.
We hosted an exclusive media event at the end of the previous Winter season, to preview the upcoming Winter collection, with the opportunity for media to try out the products, whilst hearing from the Helly Hansen team about the inspiration behind the kit, key features and tech development.
At Helly Hansen’s incredible London office, we invited media to its showroom to join us on a day in January. Attending media got to look, touch and try on what will be available to consumers 12 months later, along with hearing first-hand from the Category Managing Directors on the seasonal focuses, the design process and the explanation around why Helly Hansen is bringing these products to market. In addition, we also welcomed a few of Helly Hansen’s professionals, Warren Smith and Western Beacons Mountain Rescue Team who use the products daily, to explain their relationships and discuss how the professional feedback process works, and why they love and trust their kit.
To round off the event, we provided the media with a Helly Hansen goodie bag to ensure they are prepped for the Winter ahead in the mountains, alongside nibbles and drinks to promote networking and questions before and after the event.
Coverage is due to appear in the AW24 season, however, the event welcomed media from titles including The Telegraph, The Financial Times, The Times, Hello!, National Geographic Traveller, Fall-Line, Red Bulletin, Advnture and more!
The event received glowing reviews from attendees, including:
“Was great meeting you and thanks again for the invite. Thought it was a great event, really liked the different speakers, all very different. Really well thought out event.“ Red Bulletin
“Thank you so much for your time this week, and that of your colleagues. Was really useful for me to be there. It’d be great to test some HH pieces from the winter 24/25 collection.” Fall-Line
“It was a good event and very, very detailed! I particularly liked being able to see some of the new kit in person, which is rare these days.” The Daily Telegraph
Wookey Hole unveils a giant moon replica inside the caves, with extensive press coverage and media engagement
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