
Saving your marketing budget during economic crisis: Strategies for efficiency and impact

Is it really possible to do more for less?

This week on the Revitalise & Grow podcast, we’ve been talking about the old adage of ‘doing more for less’. That phrase that makes many marketeers shudder… because it suggests that you need to do more work with less budget, in the same amount of time, with the same (or better) results.

During times of economic crisis, businesses often face the challenging task of cutting costs to navigate through uncertain times. Marketing budgets are commonly among the areas targeted for reductions. However, cutting back on marketing efforts entirely can be detrimental to the long-term success of a business.

If you do need to make some cuts, let’s look at some ways you can make sure you are getting more bang for your buck.

Desk with keyboard piggy bank, clock and calculator

  1. Review and Refocus Your Strategy:

Start by reviewing your marketing strategy and identifying areas where you can reallocate or optimise resources. Prioritise initiatives that have demonstrated the highest return on investment (ROI) in the past and focus on activities that align closely with your business goals. By eliminating or scaling back less effective tactics, you can streamline your efforts and concentrate resources on the most impactful marketing channels.


  1. Embrace Digital and Content Marketing:

Digital marketing offers cost-effective avenues to reach your target audience. Leverage content marketing strategies to create valuable and engaging content that educates, entertains, or solves problems for your audience. Invest in search engine optimization (SEO) techniques to improve your website’s organic visibility. Additionally, explore paid digital advertising platforms, such as social media advertising, which allow you to target specific demographics and measure the impact of your campaigns in real-time. Which leads us on to…

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  1. Leverage Social Media and Influencer Marketing:

Social media platforms provide an opportunity to engage with your audience at a relatively low cost. Focus on building a strong presence on platforms relevant to your target market. Cultivate relationships with industry influencers who can help amplify your brand’s reach through their networks. Some influencers may want payment, but some are happy to collaborate in other ways.  Collaborating with influencers or running targeted social media campaigns can generate significant brand exposure and customer engagement without requiring substantial financial investments.


  1. Leverage Marketing Automation

Marketing automation platforms can streamline repetitive tasks, freeing up valuable time to focus on strategic initiatives. Automation tools can handle email marketing, social media scheduling, lead nurturing, and more, allowing marketers to reach a wider audience with minimal effort. By automating routine tasks, you can accomplish more in less time.

Piggy bank with spend crossed out and save written

  1. Explore Partnerships and Collaborations:

Look for opportunities to collaborate with complementary businesses or non-competing partners. Joint marketing initiatives can help you expand your reach and tap into new audiences without significantly increasing costs. Co-host webinars, share content, or collaborate on limited-time promotions to leverage each other’s customer base and increase brand exposure. Strategic partnerships can be mutually beneficial, allowing you to save on marketing expenses while extending your reach to potential customers.


  1. Strategic Outsourcing:

Outsourcing certain marketing functions can be a cost-effective strategy to deliver more for less. By leveraging specialised agencies or freelancers, you gain access to expertise and resources that may not be available in-house. Outsourcing tasks such as content creation, graphic design, search engine optimization, media or social media management can help drive efficiency and reduce the workload of internal teams. Strategic outsourcing allows marketing departments to tap into external talent and capabilities while optimising resource allocation and controlling costs.

Desk with marketing materials and calculator

  1. Performance Measurement and Evaluation:

You need to continuously measure and evaluate your efforts. Establishing key performance indicators (KPIs) and tracking metrics enables you to identify areas for improvement and optimise campaigns accordingly. By regularly analysing results and making data-driven adjustments, you can adapt and flex on strategies, tactics, and resource allocation. This process ensures that your efforts are continuously refined, delivering maximum impact with minimal waste.

While economic crises may mean budget cuts, it’s essential to recognise the importance of maintaining a strong marketing presence. By implementing these strategies, you can save your marketing budget without sacrificing the effectiveness of your campaigns.

For a deep delve on doing more for less, have a listen to S6. Ep7 of the Revitalise & Grow podcast. Or drop us an email on hello@adpr.co.uk,  we’d love to hear from you!