
Shakespeare® Marine’s Danish distributor, ScanMarine wins the prestigious Gazelle Award

The world leader in marine antenna design, Shakespeare® Marine is proud to announce its distributor in Denmark, ScanMarine, has been awarded the highly prestigious, Gazelle Award from the Danish-national title, Børsen.

ScanMarine was given this year’s Børsen Gazelle Award, in recognition of its business excellence including growth in net sales, good operating profit and innovative enterprise.


Measured over four years, ScanMarine showcased an impressive doubling of its gross profits and a continued positive net profit. The company’s high-quality customer service, servicing of dealers and growing distribution are apparent, meeting the 100% growth criteria to achieve the nationally recognised title.

The Børsen Gazelle Award is accredited to Danish organisations to certify a significant contribution to the country, due to its prospering business growth and success. The respected title is awarded by the Danish national newspaper, Børsen, which is the country’s leading business and financial news publication.


ScanMarine is one of the leading distributors of safety, communication, and marine equipment for the maritime industries: ship supply, yards, marine stores and defence in Scandinavia. ScanMarine is Shakespeare® Marine’s only partner in Denmark and shares the vision to offer the highest quality communication and safety at sea.


In 2019, Shakespeare® Marine announced ScanMarine as its “Distributor of the Year” at METSTRADE, for its harmonised drive to develop the best quality products for the marine industry, with shared focus on innovative product developments to advance technology ensuring personal safety out at sea.


Peter Visby, for ScanMarine, says, “As one of the first brands distributed by Scanmarine DK, Shakespeare® Marine has played a major role in us reaching our goals. The Gazelle Award is awarded every year to Danish companies that have shown a significant increase in their results, for which Shakespeare® is part of this success. We look forward to continued collaboration with all the Shakespeare® Marine team in the years to come.”


Dave Manasseh, European Sales Manager for Shakespeare® Marine, comments, “We are thrilled for our Danish distributors, ScanMarine, and join their celebrations of receiving this year’s Gazelle Award! This impressive certification is testament to their growth and passion for the sector, and demonstrates their shared vision with Shakespeare® Marine, to provide the best-in-class lifesaving equipment.”



For more information about the Børsen Gazelle Award, please visit: www.borsen.dk/gazelle

For more information about Shakespeare® Marine, please visit: www.shakespeare-marine.com

For more information about ScanMarine, please visit: www.scanmarine.dk