ADPR Insightcomms reportSocial Media 01.11.2023

Top social media trends for 2024 every marketing manager should know

In the fast-paced world of social media, staying ahead of the curve isn’t just a choice; it’s a necessity for every marketing manager! As we head in to 2024, let’s take a look at the next wave of social media trends that will transform the way we connect, engage and market online…

Close up of hands using mobile phone

Social media usage

A recent report on social media trends by GWI showed that in 2023 the average daily time spent on social media levelled off or declined globally following the peak seen during the pandemic in 2020. Although Baby Boomers are bucking this trend! They may have been forced to play ‘digital catch-up’ during the pandemic to stay connected with friends and family and order their basic essentials, but their time spent on social media has continued to rise, up by 18% since Q1 2020, the most of any generation.

On the flip side, whilst Gen Z spend the most time on social media of any generation, 30% of them are more likely to worry about the amount of time they spend and have become more focused on real-world goals.

The key take aways here are that changes are less about how long online consumers spend on social media, and more about how and where they’re choosing to spend their time. It also highlights that Baby boomers shouldn’t be overlooked when it comes to social media strategy.

A key tool for discovery

The GWI report also highlights that 78% of internet users say they use some form of social media when looking for more information on brands, and Gen Z say they find products on social media rather than on search engines.

This highlights the growing importance of social media SEO as it becomes as important as search engines for product research. For 2024 it’s imperative that your social media strategy includes ‘keyword research’.

Video remains King

The number of social media users who watch videos on a range of platforms continues to grow. It’s estimated that video content generates 1200% more shares than text and image combined! Throughout 2024 we’ll see platforms incorporating more enhanced video features, such as real-time reactions, shoppable videos and seamless AR integrations, offering marketers more opportunities for engagement.

Chalkboard saying 'Video is King'

Voice and conversational marketing

Whilst video content may remain King, audio formats are gaining traction too. The GWI report highlights that Gen Z may be the least likely to make a voice call, but they’re most likely to send voice notes at least daily – 28% more likely than older generations.

Brands that leverage the power of audio, such as audio chats and the ability to provide customer feedback via voice note, will stay ahead of the game in providing a convenient and engaging user experience.

Personalisation powered by AI

There’s no question that AI has taken the world by storm, and as it gets smarter and more refined it will translate to a more personalised content experience. AI-driven algorithms will analyse user behaviour and preferences, enabling marketing managers to create highly tailored content that resonates with specific target demographics.

Augmented Reality (AR) marketing

AR is set to revolutionise social media marketing. Imagine customers trying on products virtually or experiencing immersive branded content through AR filters and lenses. Brands that embrace AR will capture the attention and imagination of their audiences like never before.

Sustainability and conscious consumption

Sustainability is no longer a buzzword; it’s a core value for consumers as they demand brand accountability and transparency. Brands that champion sustainability in their actions and use social media to shine a spotlight on the genuine changes they’re making will earn trust and loyalty. Expect to see more eco-conscious campaigns and transparent sustainability initiatives throughout 2024.

Two hands holding on to a miniature world

Let’s not forget, it’s not always about new trends!

As marketers, emerging trends are exciting, but it’s also important to look at what’s NOT changing in the world of social media! Whilst hype around fast growing platforms often takes the spotlight in the media, they don’t always showcase how platforms are performing overall. One stat that may come as a surprise from the GWI report is that despite increased competition, Facebook is still the most widely used app worldwide. Perhaps take a moment to reconsider if you’re planning to relieve marketing efforts here in favour of an ‘exciting’ new platform.

Social media thumbs up/ like icon

As we head in to 2024, the social media landscape is set to continue to evolve in exciting ways. Marketing managers who embrace voice and conversational marketing, harness augmented reality, prioritise authenticity, leverage AI for personalisation and champion sustainability will lead their brands to success.

By staying up-to-date with these emerging trends and adapting your strategies accordingly, you can ensure your brand stays relevant, engaging and successful in the year ahead.

You may also like to listen to this episode of the Revitalise & Grow podcast – S7. Ep4: Which social media platforms should I use for my business? 

If you’re feeling overwhelmed by the constant demands on your time and resources and struggle to keep up with the latest trends, drop us a line at or request a call back. Our team can seamlessly integrate with yours to offer a wealth of experience, a network of media contacts and invaluable industry insights, so you can regain control of your time.