ADPR InsightADPR lovesConsumer PRHow toSocial MediaTop Tips 05.01.2021

Our top 2021 social media predictions

I think its safe to say we’re all glad to see the back of 2020 and eager for better things to come this year! With the rapid pivot to online last year caused by the Covid-19 pandemic, social media’s importance has been crystallised. For many businesses, it was the one tool they had at their disposal to enable them to keep in touch with their customers. So, what do we think this year might have in store for us from a social media perspective?

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  1. Snackable content – with TikTok the stand-out social media star of 2020, followed by the launch of copy-cat feature Reels on Instagram, the quick-fix nature of social media lends itself to ultra short-form video content. Expect to see this style of snackable content become a staple on our social feeds as it is so popular with users.
  2. Live video & virtual events – last year live video quickly replaced in-person events. Loved by brands for its high levels of interaction and engagement, we expect to see even more social media live video content in 2021. Even LinkedIn is launching its own Stories feature and will be linking Live Video & Events, offering opportunities for all businesses!
  3. In-app shopping – it’s already available via Facebook Shops and Instagram Shoppable posts but we’re going to see a lot more shoppable content, where users can buy direct from posts without leaving their apps. Its convenient for consumers and easy for brands – sounds like a win-win!
  4. Authenticity – if the pandemic taught us anything, it’s that we’re all human (seeing your accountant working from her four-year old daughter’s bedroom has a way of doing that!) and this isn’t going anywhere this year. Consumers expect to see brands showing off the humans behind their accounts and telling their story through user-generated content or customer testimonials.
  5. Conversational marketing – we’ve been using social as a customer service tool for businesses for a while and this year will see this go up a notch with brands using social to educate customers and offer them advice. Our client, Glasses Direct already does this, they are happy to advise customers struggling to choose between frames in their home trial packs!

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Let us know what your social media plans are for 2021? Drop us an email on If you need any more inspo, check out our Introduction to TikTok for businesses and our 8 top tips for a successful social media strategy.

We know that social media can be an essential growth tool for your company. Download our free Social Media Content Planner now and change how you engage with your audience!