Perusing magazines

Mastering media relations

It is no question that the media is an important force of influence, persuasion, and reputation for individuals and businesses. The media has considerable power over our ideas and opinions, so it is nothing short of vital to master media relationships professionally and purposefully for your brand.

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Computer screen with lots of people in a virtual meeting

Tips on hosting a virtual press event

Whilst there will always be a place for in-person press events, many brands are turning to virtual press launches to communicate their messages to the media. And it's no surprise - a virtual event allows journalists and attendees from locations all around the world to take part without the constraints of travel. Add in cost-effectiveness, flexibility, environmental considerations and data analytics to gather valuable insights, and it's clear why virtual press events are the perfect strategic choice for marketing managers.

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Illustrating your business through Instagram and Pinterest

Utilising social media effectively for your business can really help to switch your business up a gear. If you have a particularly eye-catching or visually appealing brand, products, or services, you are missing out if you aren’t already optimising the more aesthetic social media channels such as Instagram and Pinterest. Make the most of these platforms with our easy-to-follow guide below with everything you need to know about using Instagram and Pinterest for business—from setting up your account to creating a winning strategy.

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Ways to secure broadcast coverage

For any brand, it’s always great to get impactful coverage in your target media to showcase what you’re doing. Print, online and social coverage are all excellent in their own ways and each requires an individual approach. Broadcast is often the toughest media nut to crack but it’s worth the hard work because its audience figures can dwarf print media. If you are interested in finding out more about how to secure broadcast coverage, listen to Episode 4 from Season 3 of our podcast, Revitalise & Grow. It features special guest, Emma Britton - a former BBC broadcast journalist - who spills the beans on all things broadcast!|

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